Pictures of Paris, France & Cape Town, South Africa
Below are a few pictures of my trips to Paris (February) and Cape Town (March/April)...

These boys live in the Barcelona HIVorphanage. They were so cute and loved posing it up for the camera. They live in a Squatter Village in Cape Town - Barcelona. Their village has roughly 5,000 people living in it with an 80% HIV+ rate. The kids are the smallest victims of this awful disease and a sweet Pastor and his wife have started carrying for them.
This girl on the left was found trying to nurse on her mother who had been dead for 2 days from HIV. She is only 3 years old. The girl I am holding is named Gift and when her mother found out that she and her baby were HIV positive, she put her baby girl in a garbage bag and threw her in a dumpster. A neighbor saw this and pulled Gift out of the trash and brought her to the orphanage. She wanted me to hold her the entire time and it broke my heart to leave her behind.

These are a few pictures I took while driving along Chapman's Peak towards the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town is a beautiful natural landscape with winding mountain roads and ocean dipped cliffs.

The beaches were gorgeous. I saw some monster waves at Muisinberg Beach. The coastline has one of the highest white shark populations in the world. The locals don't seem to mind as there were surfers on every beach. The sailboat picture is right outside the home we stayed in. You can see the faint outline of the other side of the cove behind the sailboat.
Cute kids at a school we visited.
This little girl looks like Buckwheat's sister from the Little Rascals - awesome! Above is a good example of what most Squatter Village homes look like - corrugated metal and aluminum siding pieces nailed onto a basic four wall structure. South Africa is one of the few countries where 1st world and 3rd world conditions are living side by side.
Ah, très magnifique! Notre Dame and Sacre-Coeur have beautiful architecture. When I was there 6 yrs ago, I was told to watch my pockets going up to Sacre-Coeur as it's well known for pickpocketers.
The kids in the pics are so cute. Do they know they are HIV+? If so, they cannot fully comprehend what that means. The good thing is that someone is caring and sharing the good news with them. Arghh, makes me want to go there now. In the mean time, there are inner city kids here that I can help.
Thanks for sharing the photos!
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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